The United Computer Exchange
Performa-to-Macintosh Conversion Chart

This chart can be used to make comparisons between Performa and Macintosh computers. The comparisons are based on CPU as well as chassis and hard drive/memory configuration.
Performa        Comparable Macintosh  Processor      Intro Date
--------------     ----------------------    -------------    ---------
Performa 200       Classic II 4/80           68030@16MHz      9/15/92
Performa 250       Color Classic             68030@16MHz      2/5/93
Performa 200       Color Classic II 4/80     68030@33MHz      10/12/93
Performa 400       LC II 4/80/512            68030@16MHz      9/15/92
Performa 405       LC II 4/80/256            68030@16MHz      4/15/93
Performa 410       LC II 4/80/512            68030@16MHz      10/21/93
Performa 430       LC II 4/120/512           68030@16MHz      4/15/93
Performa 450       LC III 4/120/512          68030@25MHz      4/15/93
Performa 460       LC III 4/120/512          68030@33MHz      10/21/93
Performa 466       LC III 4/160/512          68030@33MHz      10/21/93
Performa 467       LC III 4/120/512          68030@33MHz      10/21/93
Performa 475       LC 475 4/120/512          68LC040@25MHz    10/21/93
Performa 476       LC 475 4/160/512          68LC040@25MHz    10/21/93
Performa 500       LC 520 4/160/512          68LC040@25MHz    5/16/94
Performa 550       LC 550 CD 5/160/512       68030@33MHz      10/21/93
Performa 560       LC 550 CD 5/160/768       68030@33MHz      10/21/93
Performa 575       LC 575 CD 5/250/768       68LC040@33MHz    4/26/94
Performa 577       LC 575 CD 5/320/1MB       68LC040@33MHz    4/26/94
Performa 578       LC 575 CD 8/320/1MB       68LC040@33MHz    4/26/94
Performa 600       IIvx 5/120/512            68030@32MHz      9/15/92
Performa 600 CD    IIvx 5/120/512 CD         68030@32MHz      9/15/92
Performa 63x       Quadra 630                68LC040@33MHz    7/18/94
Performa 61xx      PowerMac 6100/60          PPC601@60MHz     3/15/94

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